
Microfiber pollution analysed through microscope in laboratory

The Microfibre Consortium is a non-profit, science-led, organisation with a vision to work towards zero impact from fibre fragmentation from textiles to the natural environment.

The Problem

question mark inside magnifying glass

The Team

The Community

hands shaking in love heart shape 'community'
  • snowy mountain range environment

    We envisage a future of managed fibre fragmentation and release from textiles.

  • textile fabric samples

    We work with brands to inform product research and development with science.

  • waste water treatment plant

    We work with suppliers and manufacturers to tackle microfibres in wastewater.

  • scientist looking at microfibers in microscope

    We bridge the gap between academia and the industry to advance innovation.

Leading the textile industry in reducing microfibre release to protect our environment

Delivering sustained action & measurable impact

Driving an aligned commitment

Developing root cause understanding