We take a holistic approach to create change through design & development and in manufacturing.

Led by science, TMC seek to understand the drivers of fibre fragmentation through fabric testing.


This supports the development of practical solutions to address the problem at its source - the textile itself.

hand holding lightbulb to show practical solutions

Within design and development, we can embed textile learnings across all process steps in the value chain to minimise fibre shedding from materials.

'design and development' spool of yarn leading to fabric swatch

Within manufacturing, we can align guidance across the sector to ensure clear and measurable action on managing fibre loss in production.

'manufacturing' textile factory

There is a role for everyone.

Active, industry-wide engagement is needed to address this multi-faceted challenge.

Our Collective Framework:

The Microfibre 2030 Commitment

Signatories have chosen to put fibre fragmentation high on their agenda, contributing to the development of knowledge and the identification of solutions.

We encourage collaboration and learning across the breadth of textile sectors, with increasing signatory representation from:

brands, retailers, manufacturers, research institutions, mutli-stakeholder initiatives, industry associations, fabric testing laboratories

A framework with a common ambition to work towards zero impact from fibre fragmentation from textiles to the natural environment.

Every sector, and organisations of all sizes, geographies and specialisms play a vital role, from smaller enterprises to large global retailers and brands.
— Dr Kelly Sheridan, CEO

What is our strategic direction?

We seek to lead, equip, convene and empower the industry to make change through the following pathways.

  • Convene a community of practice and build partnerships to drive collective action.

    • Collaborating to influence regulatory policy development

    • Partnering with relevant groups to harmonise and amplify effort

    • Building collective understanding across a broad community of stakeholders

  • Lead with industry informed research and root cause understanding

    • Driving industry informed research

    • Being science led and data driven

    • Developing root cause understanding

  • Equip and empower the sector with tools and insights to make and measure change.

    • Prioritising product change through design and development

    • Addressing microfibre release to wastewater

    • Empowering the full value chain, leveraging business relationships

Our Agenda:

Supporting The Microfibre 2030 Commitment, The Microfibre Roadmap sets the strategic direction, pace of activity and specific steps required to meet the commitment.

roadmap to reduce mitigate microfibre pollution by 2030

The roadmap timeline is broken down into three stages: